Welcome to Giovanni Sce Web Site

I was born and raised in Milan, Italy. At age 16 I decided to make a long and pleasant parenthesis in my life to live in the Tuscan countryside managing my family's farm. This experience was not only personally gratifying but proved to be educational. In 1993 I graduated from Pavia University with a degree in "Computer Science for Telecommunications" following which I joined Italtel as a software engineer.
In 1998 I moved to New York City where I initially worked at Telesoft America, a telecommunications software company now absorbed by Telecom Italia.
Form several years I have worked at Randomwalk Computing, a software house specialized in financial applications and since 2007 I have been working at Accenture.

Due also to the incredible international exposure which I have experienced in New York City I have developed a strong interest in international affairs, with a particular attention to the socio-economic development and Information Technology.

In 2002, combining my personal interests with my professional life, I developed a strong interest in the Global Digital Divide. To this extent, I published the Programmers Without Frontiers Manifesto and I founded DigitalRight.org a nonprofit and non partisan association that aims at narrowing the global digital divide. Another place were I write down my thoughts on this subject is the Programmers Without Frontiers Blog

In 2009 I earned a Bachelor in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for Sustainable International Development.

I used to have a strong passion for hiking, but since I left the Alps I haven't done much of it, although I do more biking.
I still cultivate my sailing passion and I strongly prefer the British Virgin Islands to NYC harbour.
Besides visiting Italy every year I like to travel to new places and here you can see some pictures of the most interesting trips.

In the spare time from the paid job I work on personal projects intended to learn more and possibly contribute to the Global Digital Divide matter.
Some researches and papers that I wrote during my undergraduated studies are:

My approach to contribute ICT to socio-economic development has always been to develop some useful ICT application. While studying ways to bring more significant contributions, I help several no-profit organizations with their ICT needs. Some of the projects I have worked on are:
